Dems Fashion Brings out your bright side with a variety of different designers launching latest spring, summer, and winter collection

Wednesday 20 July 2011

On 04:14 in    No comments

Excuse me for living, but are we or are we not like three seconds away from yet another war with Pakistan? Every night on the news the name Pakistan comes up when reporting on Iraq or Afghanistan. And isn’t Osama Bin Laden like living there? Shouldn’t we be bombing that whole rocky region from afar anyway? What am I missing here? Instead, Pakistan just hosted a fashion week and when you see these images…you will surely agree with me when I say, “I Mean…What?!?”

Now, if the Pakistanis all waltzed around in these get-ups by Ali Xeeshan, we'd be making love...not war.

The coordinated, easy-to-move, living conditions are the must-have for Fall 10.


Live, work, play, wear.


Wait, has anyone checked that headpiece to see if Osama Bin Laden is in there?


Now this outfit looks comfy. Designer Munib Nawaz went to the Thom Browne School.


What is this? Ali Baba updated?


From the the kitchen.



You know what they say...well...I am not they. But...seeing is believing.

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