Dems Fashion Brings out your bright side with a variety of different designers launching latest spring, summer, and winter collection

Friday 17 April 2015

Have a scenic Rack by Sundas Saeed Shatranj Summer Collection 2015 for ladies has been all launched now, it is are just looking for collection that has been inspired from chess and this collection has been named by Shatranj Collection 2015.

Off The Rack Shatranj Summer Collection 2015 By Sundas Saeed, Photography for this collection has been done Aima Yusaf Jamal and modeling has been done by Sonia Nazir. As every one of us know that the hub of Sundas Saeed is one amongst the famous and well known fashion hubs and this hub has all the time come at the beautiful collection lines. It is often an unique form of collection line because these chess kinds of prints are seeking quite and rather great. If we talk about the colors then it is seen these kinds of Sundas Saeed chess prints are located in yellow, bright red, pink, white, black, grey and charcoal types of shades. If you love to have on hand some appealing and stunning looking chess prints and then suggest sure that you do have critique this collection line.

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